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Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I know I've been on a long hiatus, and I apologize for that. I just lost focus for a bit, because things were not going as I had hoped. Despite my clean diet and plenty of exercise, I hadn't lost any weight since March and I didn't really feel like I could share any advice that wasn't working for me.

A couple months ago, I started to notice that my temper was getting bad. I'm normally pretty even-keeled, but my fuse seemed to be getting shorter by the day. I was easily irritated and feeling depressed. Then I noticed that my thought process seemed to be slowing down, along with my reflexes. I started looking into seeing a therapist, but when I started GAINING weight, which shouldn't have even been possible, I knew there was something physically wrong with me.

I did some research online, and I came across a forum where a guy listed a ton of symptoms, most of which matched mine, and asked if it could have something to do with his thyroid. I knew that my dad suffered from a thyroid disorder, so I called him to ask what his symptoms were. My dad actually has hyperthyroidism, which means that his thyroid is overactive, which makes his metabolism overactive and he loses weight very quickly. He said he was pretty sure I had hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, which apparently, my grandmother and my uncle both suffer/suffered from.

I made an appointment with a clinic to get my thyroid levels checked, and sure enough, I have hypothyroidism. My body was using twice as much T4 hormone, which the hormone that controls your metabolism, as it should have been and it wasn't creating any of the T3 hormone, which controls things like your mental faculties, mood, sex drive and cell turnover (so my hair and nails were thinning and my skin was looking rough). So, for the last few months I've been on medication and the doctor's been playing guess-and-check with my dosage, until finally, over the last 2 weeks, I've started to feel like my old self again. Now I feel like I'm back to the land of the living and I can continue experimenting and dishing out my awesome know-how! Lucky you. ;)

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