B1 - thiamine
B2 - riboflavin
B3 - niacin
B5 - pantothenic acid
B6 - pyridoxine
B7 - biotin
B9 - folic acid
B12 - cobalamin
All 8 of the B vitamins are water-soluble, so they break down and are absorbed through water in the body.
B Vitamins are necessary to support and speed up the metabolism, maintain healthy skin and muscle tone, enhance immune and nervous system function, promote cell growth and division and reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer, although only when consumed in food form, not when taken as a vitamin tablet.
B vitamins are also believed to improve the symptoms of ADHD.
B Vitamins are found in whole, unprocessed, foods, and in their highest concentration in meats, especially turkey and tuna. Other good sources are whole grains, banana, lentils, chili peppers, tempeh, beans, molasses and yeast. Since B vitamins are food in brewer's yeast, even beer is a source of B vitamins, however, the ethanol in beer inhibits the absorption of most of the vitamins.
B12 is an important vitamin to note, because it is not found in plant products, so vegans are at risk for B12 deficiency, which can result in a few forms of anemia, memory loss and can even cause symptoms of mania and psychosis. Luckily, most B vitamins are available in injection form or dietary supplements for people at risk of deficiency.
Vitamin B12 is great for extra energy, so you'll find it added to a lot of energy drinks. You can also get B12 shots from a doctor which give you a few weeks worth of added energy. I used to have a friend who go a B12 shot once a month, and I could always tell when she'd just gotten it. She'd come into work looking clammy, hair all crazy and pupils dialated. She looked like a meth addict for a week. Then she'd balance out and just be peppy for a couple more weeks until her next shot. I personally would have just stuck with coffee, but if you need a real pick-me-up, they definitely work.
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